There are many ways to make money online as an online marketer. A very popular and well known revenue is AdSense. Although AdSense is all the rage today, it should not be relied on as a main source of income. And if you are looking into using AdSense for making serious money, there are some things you really need to consider.
Where Should I start?
AdSense is a good idea for supplementary income or secondary income. First of all, you need a good niche. It is a good idea to learn how to research a market niche that is something everyone is looking for nowadays, perhaps a new fad or idea that everyone is looking for more information on, or people would want to read up on. Do some research on what you think a good market niche would be, what people would be willing to spend money on and build up from there.
A Blog
Secondly, set up a blog. A blog is a low cost and usually free way to set up a site and add content. A blog with a lot of content on it will bring people to your site. Add your content on a daily basis if you can. Even better, post two articles a day, whether it is something you wrote, or post a link to a site that you feel would interest other people to click to and read. This will keep people coming back to your blog on a regular basis and traffic flowing through your blog. When you post an article, have a link at the bottom directed to your website. When people are reading your content, and want to learn more, or need more information, they are sure to go check out your website. Make your content interesting to keep people coming back to look at your blog for new material.
A Website
Next, look into setting up a website. Yes, I did mention that earlier. A blog is free, a website is not, but is very important for setting up your market niche and driving traffic to your site with AdSense ads on them. Even better, once you have your own market niche, set up a domain name for that niche, this makes it easier to search on Google and for search engines to pick up. The blog is there to ultimately bring traffic to your website. Once you have built a market niche site, find another niche and make another website with its own domain name. You will want, over time, to have about two dozen websites up and running to drive traffic to your website with AdSense on them.
You will need to do a lot of research on how to set up AdSense on your website pages. Apply with Google to get your Google AdSense account set up. The Google HTML code will need to be put into your website pages. Google has some good step by step instructions on how to set up your ads on your web pages as well you may have to do more research on how to position the ads on your pages, change the color, adjust the font for your ads. Google gives you the ability to do this as well, within your account settings.
Adding Content
Nothing could be stressed more. Add content. This could be writing your own articles, finding articles geared towards the subject of your market niche, as long as you keep the author's name attached to the bottom of the article. Make your website and blogs interesting for people to come back to your site again and again. There are plenty of tools and content on the web you can search for and add to your sites. There are news feeds, photo galleries, bookmark buttons, you tube videos, slide shows, any number of things you can add to drive traffic to your websites.
Driving Traffic
Finally, you will need to drive traffic to your website. Post articles. There are hundreds of sites online to post your articles attaching your blog or website address at the bottom, helping to direct traffic towards your sites. You can bookmark ther articles you post. Ultimately you want to get the information out there, that your site exists and it has informative content for consumers to read and find what they are looking for. The buying customer, the one who is looking to purchase a product online, is the customer you want coming to your website. These are the people researching a product to buy online and once they find the product they are looking for, will purchase it. Who knows, this could be through an AdSense advertisement that click on while browsing through one of your web pages.
There are many ways to make money online nowadays, and AdSense is only one of many. Creating a blog and website with a market niche and driving traffic to your site where you have Google ads on them. AdSense should not be considered a primary source of income and an online marketer should be looking into other sources of income to market and make money as well.
AdSense Earnings Can Really Pile Up Buy Google AdSense Account: Ads by Google Does Google AdSense Really Work? How Much Can You Make With AdSense?
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